Watching on an iOS Device

Get the WWE App

Requires iOS 13 and later

  1. Go to the App Store.
  2. Browse or search for WWE..
  3. Select the WWE app.
  4. Install the app by tapping Get then Install.
  5. Launch the app and sign in to your active WWE account.

Note: iOS 10.1 through iOS 12.x may be able to use WWE app 4.38.6 as available in the App Store, however future updates will only be made available users on iOS/tvOS 13 and later. If you’re on one of these older versions of iOS, please make sure to update your Apple device with the latest OS.

Use the Web

Update the WWE App

  1. From the Home screen, tap the App Store icon.
  2. Tap Updates.
  3. Locate WWE
  4. Tap Update.
  5. Enter your iTunes password if prompted.

Need a subscription?

You can browse to see what’s available without a subscription, but a subscription is recommended for the best experience.

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