Watching on Android TV

Download/update the WWE app, create or sign into your account and subscribe to WWE Network.

Get/Update the WWE Network App

Requires Android OS 6.1+

  1. On your Home screen, select the Apps tab.
  2. Select Play Store (if you’re using this for the first time, you’ll need to register with a valid Google account.)
  3. Click on the Magnifying Glass (search) icon.
  4. Use Voice Search by tapping the microphone on your remote and say “WWE.”
  5. You can also enter WWE in the search box.
  6. Select the WWE app and select Install or Update
  7. Select Accept
  8. Upon download/update complete, select the Open button OR select the WWE Network app from the Apps tab.
  9. Select Sign In.
  10. Sign in using your WWE Network account email and password.
  11. Once your account has been verified, you will be taken to the home screen where you can select the WWE Network programming to watch.

Need a subscription?

You can browse to see what’s available without a subscription, but a subscription is recommended for the best experience.