Subscribe to WWE Network

Have an account already?

Free Version users and former subscribers may upgrade the account or reactivate their subscription at Simply sign in and select the option to subscribe or reactivate your account.

Don’t have an account?

  1. Go to and click SUBSCRIBE NOW.
  2. Enter your Email Address and a Password, then click CREATE ACCOUNT.
  3. Enter your First Name and Last Name, then click NEXT
  4. Enter your Billing Address, then click NEXT
  5. Select your Payment Method. Options may vary based on availability in your area.
  6. Provide details based on your selected payment method. These could be:
    • Credit/Debit Card users will enter their billing information
    • PayPal users will see a new window for PayPal authentication. If not signed in, sign in and follow the on-screen instructions to authorize payment
  7. Once complete, you should be all set!