Continue Watching

We know you want to finish what you start, so we help track that for you. As you watch a video-on-demand, we will save your place, add it to your Continue Watching list and make it available to resume later on any device you choose.

How It Works

Continue Watching will save your place under the following conditions:

  • You’re watching a Video-on-Demand (VOD)
  • You’ve watched at least 10 seconds
  • Return and resume playback from anywhere

Accessing your Continue Watching list

Continue Watching can be found in 2 places on every app.

  • On the Featured/Home screen as a scrollable horizontal list (aka Continue Watching rail)
  • In your Profile section

While these places provide you with a specific way to access and view to your Continue Watching list quickly, you may resume from anywhere the video is accessible.